Merry Christmas

Christmas Greetings!

I am all for following through on commitments such as the one I made to myself to post some writing on this website every week on Sunday. But here’s the thing: today is Christmas.

If I were better at planning ahead, I would have worked on writing a seasonally appropriate piece over the last week so that I could post today without having to actually write today. But I’m not a great planner ahead-er, especially not during the last week before Christmas when there are many other things to attend to.

And today, I will be honest, I flat out don’t feel like writing. For all the enjoyment I get out of it, it’s still work. I’m not working today.

Instead I have for everyone my sincere wish that you enjoy the holidays (whichever ones you observe) and have excellent celebrations, however you choose to celebrate.

Unless you’re doing something deeply sinister and/or murderous in which case I hope you get caught and reconsider your life choices, ya filthy animal.

Merry Christmas!!


As You Began


The Hap-Happiest Season of All