Let’s Talk About Bathtubs

Today is January 5th, 2025 and this is my first blog transmission from my new apartment. I have lived here since December 31st, 2024. With many thanks and props to my beloved friends and family who helped with the move, I am successfully pretty much settled.

There are a few deliveries which I am waiting on for the final touches. I need to buy a new couch; my old one looks very sad in my beautiful new place. I need a new doormat for the front stoop. I need to get used to the fact that my kitchen is MUCH easier to work in now and I can actually cook without severe inconvenience. I am also not used to an insulated building that actually retains heat, so sleeping under my typical pile of blankets is unnecessary and downright sweaty. There is so much space here as compared to my old apartment that I almost don’t know what to do with myself. There are still adjustments to be made to all of the change. My emotions are all over the place while I get used to all this new stuff. I feel like I’m making a fresh start, but I’m still me with all my pre-existing feelings, concerns, joys, and pains. So it feels new, but also feels the same. I’m not sure what to do with that.

All of which is to say that the deepest subject I am able to discuss on this day is bathtubs.

I grew up in homes with bathtubs. I vaguely remember when my parents insisted that I start taking showers instead of baths; I was not in favor of that change. I love a good bath and always have. What could be wrong with soaking in a tub of hot water, surrounded by bubbles, and reading a book? Not a thing, sounds perfect to me.

In 2011 we moved into a house which had bathtubs, but for lack of a better description, they were weird. Not designed for a pleasure soak, more designed for showers. Then when I moved into my first apartment I had only a stall shower. Which was fine; I was working full time and wasn’t reading for pleasure so much during that time, so I didn’t miss having a tub to soak in and relax.

Now I have a tub again and have already taken two baths in as many days. I bought some foaming bath which I suppose is less intense than bubble bath, but still makes the water smell lovely and provides a good cover of bubbles. I have read multiple chapters of a mystery novel in the tub. I have thoroughly confused my cat, who has never seen me take a bath before.

Things are just easier with a bathtub. While showering, it is much easier to shampoo, condition, and wash my body as I can step out of the stream of water, preventing the water from rinsing away the soap before it is able to do its job. Shaving legs is WAY easier with a bathtub for many reasons, not least of all because there is a place to rest your foot while you run razorblades over your skin. I am also quite convinced that it is easier to stretch out muscles after soaking in hot water. Yesterday I was sitting in the bath and leaned forward to touch my toes, feeling the muscles in the backs of my legs release in a much more satisfying way than when I stretch outside of water. I’m no scientist, but I think it’s connected. Also, I pray that this situation never arises, but if I ever need to give my cat a bath I reckon it will be easier with a bathtub.

For a long time I’ve gotten massages about once a month at the recommendation of my therapist as a way to release pent up tension in my body. With my new lovely apartment the budget is a bit tighter so massages are off the table for awhile, if you’ll pardon the pun. I think a long soak in a hot tub may be the replacement method to relax my tensed up muscles.

I’m still adjusting, still settling in. Learning the sneaky back ways to drive around the area, trying out new places, figuring out what my new routines will be. It’s a little bit scary, stressful, emotional, but it is also exciting. I feel more like a real grown-up in a real grown-up’s apartment. And while I am a little apprehensive, I am hopeful too. I hope that the scary feelings will ebb sooner than later and I can get on with taking this new version of my life by storm.

And if I stay scared for longer than I like, chances are I will be fighting that off with many a soak in the tub. Send bubbles and mystery novels.


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